Standardized Operation Procedures in Cancer Biobanking and Oncological Research for YSMU

Within the scope of the ARICE project, the European partners provided YSMU with 71 SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). The collaborating experts in cancer research and biobanking (WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer/France, Medical University of Graz/Austria and Charles University/Czech Republic) are supporting research at YSMU by sharing their knowledge and experience, amongst others in form of these highly effective SOPs. The SOPs (originals partially in Czech and German) were translated and provided in English, the language of science. They contain specified information and instructions concerning cancer research and biobanking and represent a major progress in establishing stat-of-the-art research workflows at YSMU. All SOPs were reviewed by the YSMU experts and were adapted for the local use in the YSMU as well as in the Armenian scientific community.